This was my first project with TOYOTA. I was responsible for planning the user interface, behavior, and how the tourism content interact with drivers.  This 7” device was built directly into the vehicle, and only provided for tourist in Sun Moon Lak

EV Tour Guidance System

The first EV tour guidance system in Taiwan.

Toyota had announced the roll out of 36 electric vehicles in Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan as a part of a tourism program. Starting April 25th 2013, driver will be able to rent EV (Electric Vehicle) to dig out more sightseeing spots.

#2013 #TOYOTA #Sun-Moon-Lake #iQ

Event Site

 This was my first project with TOYOTA. I was responsible for planning the user interface, behavior, and how the tourism content interact with drivers.  This 7” device was built directly into the vehicle, and only provided for tourist in Sun Moon Lak

This was my first project with TOYOTA. I was responsible for planning the user interface, behavior, and how the tourism content interact with drivers.

This 7” device was built directly into the vehicle, and only provided for tourist in Sun Moon Lake.

 The default map focus on the area of Sun Moon Lake, and user can switch map view to satellite mode.  Left side is close to driver in Taiwan, so the functions related to driving scenario was collected into Left Menu, such as navigation, remaining EV

The default map focus on the area of Sun Moon Lake, and user can switch map view to satellite mode.

Left side is close to driver in Taiwan, so the functions related to driving scenario was collected into Left Menu, such as navigation, remaining EV battery, and call center.

 The Right Menu contains sightseeing spots of different topics from culture to food, and also provides one-day tour itinerary to someone who has no idea where to go.  The device also can get car’s GPS location. When user drives near famous sightseein

The Right Menu contains sightseeing spots of different topics from culture to food, and also provides one-day tour itinerary to someone who has no idea where to go.

The device also can get car’s GPS location. When user drives near famous sightseeing spots, the pre-load audio guide will show up automatically and let whole car people enjoy the view with knowledge without looking at the screen. (see the following picture)

 The following are the flow & wireframe samples of this project.

The following are the flow & wireframe samples of this project.

ScreenHunter_04 Dec. 28 19.50.gif
 Here is the actual in-car product shot at Sun Moon Lake. User testing must be held at Sun Moon Lake too. We test the different conditions of light & finger size, and drove around the lake again and again.

Here is the actual in-car product shot at Sun Moon Lake. User testing must be held at Sun Moon Lake too. We test the different conditions of light & finger size, and drove around the lake again and again.
